Spunky, sweet and my precious girl!! I am home everyday with her and my other beautifull eight children, but I neeeeed to know them more. I am so thankful to God for the blessing of home schooling them which to me really means I don't have to send them away everyday. I do like teaching them academically ...more so this year than ever....I'm loving it. More than anything ,though, and more important than academics, I am thankful for the daily opportunity to tell them of God's love and try with the help of the Holy Spirit to guide their little hearts rightly. I feel like I've only scratched the surface of knowing them, too. Their little hearts and souls go sooo deep. WOW! What a magnificent privilege to be mom. God has really pressed on my heart lately just what a short time we are given to hold their little hearts in childhood. Do any other moms feel this way?